Decolonial Repair Network

Decolonial Repair Network

Working Towards Healing the Harms of Colonialism

Monthly Calls: First Wednesday of the month, 7-8 CT


We are a network of non-Native individuals, communities and organizations in Iowa, the Midwest, and beyond who strive to be good allies to Indigenous people through actively working to repair the harms of colonization. Our network currently organizes itself through monthly online calls, with hopes for future in person gatherings.

We understand that the dominant white culture bears the primary responsibility for this immense damage, and therefore we believe that white people bear a particular responsibility to repair the harm. We recognize this truth while welcoming the unique perspective and collaboration of non-Native People of Color and committing to listen to the needs of Indigenous leadership. We understand that the work of repair is not only about healing damage done to Indigenous peoples and the land, but that it is also about healing ourselves.

We ask that those who join this network are willing to make the following commitments:

  • Contributing ongoing financial support to Honor Native Land Fund:
  • Regularly attending monthly learning and organizing calls on the first Wednesday of each month that will focus on building community, sharing resources, learning Indigenous and colonial history, current issues facing Indigenous communities, engaging guest speakers (both Native and non-Native), healing, and networking
  • Willingness to confront racism in all its forms, such as racist mascots and cultural appropriation
  • Willingness to work to dismantle legal and cultural systems of white supremacy
  • Inner transformation and healing the wounds of colonialism within
  • Healing land in whatever places we inhabit
  • As able, to show up when Indigenous leaders call for solidarity and support